I’m still over weight. I’m still struggling. I’m still looking for ways to cheat the system. I’m still on my Herby challenge but, I’m still trying and even though it sounds hopeless, it is not. I’m still one step ahead and one day better off than I was yesterday so if I was to tie it all together, I am making slow but steady progress. Much of my struggle comes from lifestyle at the moment. I have guests making my home a full house. A son over from Aussie, a sister up from Tauranga, an Aunt who is homeless and cousins from Hong Kong. Don’t get me wrong I’m LOVING them all here and so grateful I have a huge home to fit them in, but we know the routine does not run as normal and that things change naturally to compensate for this time period of difference. I am NOT going to slurp my herby drink in front of them while they tuck into anything they desire for lunch or dinner. But on the other scale I am not going to indulge in previous bad eating patterns because I’m determined to stick to my dye it as close as I can. My house guests are some of my biggest supporters so I need to be strong and faithful to them and show them that their encouragements have not been in vain. There is a saying out there “You pick your friends but are dumped with family” Some days I might secretly think I could have been dumped with bodies Id rather slam dunk or rearrange their facial features but as a norm I thank God for my family every day. They are awesome and they know me and my faults and they love me regardless. And so they better because they are my family and we all share the same expectation of having each others backs. My house lot are supporting me in my lifestyle change.. Well maybe not my son because he just wants scones for lunch and I do make a mean scone that may need to be taste tested. You never know batch 4987 might be different. So his endless food intake is hard for me to not taste test on route to his plate. Also his bag of party mix lollies where he faithfully leaves me the horrible black and white jellybeans that I adore, is just to rude for me to not accept. So all in all I’m plodding along. Shae from Happy Herby World on Facebook ( https://www.facebook.com/Happy-Herbie-World-513944082110233/?fref=ts ) is still such a skinny honey and checks in on me heaps. She actually growls me in love when I tell her oops I forgot to do something the right way around but she understands and continues to support me. She is all excited because there is a 10 day Fat flush available that she thinks I could benefit from. Normally my heckles would peak to maximum height right then and there and I’d accuse her of picking on the “fat lady” and probably mentally try to break her skinny legs, but today I think hmm, Fat flush really? The idea sounds great, I think. The mental thoughts of fat “flushing” away is quite exciting but then my mind is invaded with visual thoughts and they are not so good on any level. Once I shake my head 5 times and smack the visions against a brick wall I contemplate that maybe I should add this to my almost normal Herbalife routine. Once again her positive talking has me eagerly awaiting my arrival of Fat flush. Next day service can not be beaten. Look out fat particles. I don’t know how this will “pan” out (excuse the toilet pun) but you all could be slithering away as early as tomorrow…
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