I have been sewing. I offered to help make some of the items for the grand children’s school production for end of year. It sees me making Lion ears to be attached to head bands for one class and monkey ears attached similar and tails made for the other class. I had the perfect material stashed away in my mass saved up over the years box. I nutted out a few templates that satisfied the very grateful teachers and set about to make the required amount. Now I am wondering what have I done! My sewing room has fluff from one end to the other. Just cutting out the ears was just enough fluff on the loose rampage but when I decided to add 9 mane’s to make the wee male lions feel masculine, things stepped up a fluffy notch. I thought the easiest way to make these manes was to just cut a square, sew elastic onto it them and then semi cut it into 15 strips up to the elastic. It looked perfect but then it required a good shake to sort the loose bits off where I had cut. Now suddenly the whole place has turned into a golden brown looking safari like snow. It’s in my mouth causing me to spit snow balls. It’s up my nose tickling away forcing snort hairy sneezes. My eye lashes are coated with extensions of a golden kind and when I dare to look in the mirror I see it is also in my hair and on my every part of my clothing. Suddenly I realise I had just shaken fluffless the first one. No choice but to suck it up and keep going I guess . Oops, I think I just did suck it up physically and definitely enough to pass a fur ball within the next 24 hour…
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