I am sadly admitting that I have been having a few self made spec saver adds lately. A total of 3 occasions to date and in a short span of time, where I should have had my glasses on, but the last new one will show it beats them all and it is an expensive doozy. I will however torture you day by day until you get to my doozy. First up a spec saver add here in kiwi land is an advertisement on TV where you generally see something, but once you put your glasses on (your spectacles) you suddenly see that you had your vision all wrong. And then there comes the “should have gone to spec savers” promo. So my first embarrassing self made one was recently when I decided to shake a few rooms around at home. Having had the majority of sons leave home I can rearrange the spare rooms at a whim. Something I don’t do too often but when I feel like it, I can. This particular and obviously boring day in my life I decided to dedicate one room for grandchildren to play in. The theory was all mess in one room and also one can quickly shut the door fast when someone visits which is a good motive. So in order to get my vision where it could become a reality I had to move 3 rooms around. Not an easy task for a lone female. Men no longer offer to help with these whims so I have learnt best to do all by myself and usually do not even tell them I am going to do it. It might have something to do with the fact that there is a slight chance I may do it all wrong or damage something in the process and need to hide it or simply reverse the change because it wasn’t what I thought it would look like at the end of the hard slog. No one likes to admit they are wrong so why advertise a possible stuff up. So lucky for me this end of the house has a tiled floor hallway and a rug under objects huffing and puffing along can end up being quite swift and easy-ish. It only took me several hours but there were several breaks in that time and no, not the object kind either. I simple am not as fit as I used to be and my lovely bulging muscles in my arms no longer look that way and are a sad excuse of years gone down hill. No one needs a pair of glasses to see what no longer exists but at the end of the day I managed it all with the shrivelled pair I had hiding under my sleeves. Finally after all those hours, I had the finer details done of beds made, cupboards cleaned, shelves organised and all the toys in their new child friendly quarters. Pleasantly enough, no one had come home early and caught me out bending over in a compromising position trying to push and shove large items and no one has criticized my thought process and how those weird ideas have come out of the inside to be a reality. No one will know how I wasted this day and how red my face got until they have to go into the room for something that is no longer where they last left it. I survey my accomplishment and think yes, I did good today. With the final job of vacuum cleaning done and my edible monster put away I make one last check of each room. A little bit of air freshener would not go amiss so I go to the bathroom where it should have been. We have not long evacuated a kitten to the outside at night from being safely in this bathroom. It knows now where to do its smelly business and hopefully over by the neighbours that I do love dearly. So I knew where I had last used and left the air freshener. Shaking it madly I walk down to start in the end room. A good spray over the bed, high up by the lights and all over above the carpet should do the trick.. It was not until the sprayed landed on the carpet that I thought I could see a blue tinge and a hint that something might possibly be wrong. Holding the can quickly to my face made no difference as I did not have my reading glasses! on so off I trotted to find them. To my horror it read Shaving foam……
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