I was returning my son to the airport with Grandchildren in tow.  The usual riding on his shoulders and trolley antics are had along with helping him to put his bag onto the conveyor belt that is far bigger than themselves plays out as usual on this monthly ritual.  Today the repetitive scenario is the same until it is time to ticket out.  Grandies have hugged their Uncle and he has disappeared behind the no go zone as we head down the elevator towards the machine that eats money.  There were a few people in front of me doing their coin exchange which in turn gives them  the right to leave beyond the car park arm bars.  Both Grandies are arguing over who would put the ticket in so I gave the ticket to Grandy 1 with instructions on which way to put it into the machine and promised the other that she could put the money in.   Both were happy as we got closer to their imminent task.  Rummaging through my handbag I was horrified to find I had left my wallet at home thus rendering me no money or eftpos card available to get us all out of jail.  Panic was starting to set in as my steps were getting me closer to the machine.  My handbag had 12 compartments so I was zipping swiftly through each one in an attempt to find some form of small change.  Just when I thought I would have to shame myself and ring family I found a beautiful looking red note.  $100 dollars tucked deep inside a deep side pocket.  Wow!!  How the heck did you get in there and more so how on earth did you stay hidden for so long without me not sniffing out your worth?  I didn’t have a chance to answer my thoughts when suddenly the girls were calling out that it was our turn.  Grandy 1 put the card in as ordered and Grandy 2 grabbed the $100 dollar note ready for her cue.   As the machine greedily took the ticket, it responded with instructions to put $6.00 into the other side.  I showed Grandy 2  where to carefully place the money only to have it equally sucked clean from her hand.  As soon as it told me I was receiving $94 back I showed Grandy where to put her hand to receive the $4 worth of coins and Nana would take the notes from up here.  I looked around just in case to check if there was anything of concern as after all, we were waiving a sizeable note, only to see that queque had grown quite long.  Instantaneously  the machine started to return the change.  Ching ching ching ching went the coins as they rolled into the little receiver.  Grandy 2 lifted the flap in excitement as she attempted to grab them to complete her job.  Ching ching ching ching ching ching ching ching ching ching ching  Oh my freaken gooosh they don’t stop coming. Panic! Panic! Panic!  Ching ching ching ching ching ching ching ching as the machine shoots out $2 coins in all directions.  It is now overflowing.  Coins are rolling along the ground as Grandy 2 can no longer contain them in her hands.  I’m stunned and disappear into a Matrix moment. Ching ching ching ching. They just keep coming and I am jolted back into reality  reminding myself, “Oh heck!”  I’ve just put a $100 note in there.  The Grandys are scrambling for Nanas “Winnings” as I sheepishly look behind me.  Not a pretty sight as agitated onlookers wonder what on earth is happening.  Suddenly the chinging stops and then $5.00 notes started pumping out from above.  Pump pump pump pump pump pump pump.  A new panic erupts within.  Pump pump pump pump pump.  I’m not sure whether the panic is from sheer embarrassment or fear I will lose some of the money in this chaos.   As quick as it all ching ching chings and pump pump pumps, it stops.  Laughter could be heard all around as the coins are now being gathered by amused onlookers and I am left to sheepishly take the notes.  There is absolutely no time to count my winnings as red is my new facial colour, a whole new level of shame overwhelms me and the person next in line is already hustling into my space for her turn……